






  • EasyfilingCabinet
  • EasyfilingCabinet
  • EasyfilingCabinet



Welcome to the new easy and simple way of filing documents and receipts etc. From the start tap you will go to a blank screen. Tap the plus sign in the top right corner and create a drawer and box will pop up on the screen to name your drawer. Tap on save and a drawer will come up on the screen with name, date and time. At bottom right corner tap on blue circle to scan a document, receipt etc. Afterwards tap on save. And this document will go to a all document drawer which is create automatically after first scan. Tap on all document drawer to read document or move to the drawer that you created. Tap on the drawer that you created and than tap on plus sign in top right corner. Create your file for this drawer and save. Go back to all documents drawer and hold down on your document and a small box will appear to the right. Check this box and you will see a list of things you can do. Tap move and your drawer will come up. Tap on your drawer and a alert box will pop up. Tap ok and add document to a file within that drawer. Slide down from top to bottom screen and tap on back in top left corner to go back to dashboard screen. Tap in top left corner and you’re see themes were you can change the color of your drawers . So enjoy the app and carry your files wherever you go. Remember you can email, text, etc. So if you see anything that can be improved to make the app better please let ChesdinApps no. Please use the feedback button.


