
  • 类型:塔防迷宫
  • 平台:IOS
  • 语言:公测
  • 大小:MB
  • 时间:2021-05-12 07:18:13
  • 包名:Damschen.dasDorf
  • 版本号:1.0
  • 厂商:Heinrich Damschen
  • 官网:https://hdgm59.wixsite.com/heda66






  • dasDorf
  • dasDorf
  • dasDorf
  • dasDorf



dorf is a puristic, cybernetic village. What you see are collisions of colored circles, but what it is are simulations of encounters. Depending on their relationships, these encounters change the dorf people. Every real change creates a sound.

On the left you can see the brains of the people of dorf as the basis of the cybernetic control of changes. They show the status of the residents in real time, in terms of the colors and the thickness of the circles.

At the bottom the dorf clock is ticking.

dorf life regulates itself. Despite their colorfulness, however, the residents are not entirely satisfied. They have a tendency to collectively end in failure, so that some of the residents have to leave the village. That is why those residents want you to intervene and ask for your help to "push" them into the green area, where they can stay together in harmony.

You should first settle in and observe dorf life. Then work with the residents, which means "pushing" them at opportune moments, before leaving them to their own devices again.

The game ends when all residents are in the green area, even if there are only two left.

Explanatory notes

- A new dorf game can be recreated at any time, even in the middle of an
existing game, by swiping left or right.
- The new game is then started by touching the screen.
- „Pushing" means touching the dorf-people, who then change their color and size.
- Pushing is a fairly drastic intervention. It changes the participants more than normal encounters between two dorf residents.
- Green residents cannot be pushed. They can only be moved.
- After a "push", the resident concerned must have encountered another resident before you can push him or her again. Patience is required to find the right opportunity to intervene.
- All actions in dorf are fuzzy, so you never know exactly how they will turn out.

Special cue

Shortly before a resident is about to leave dorf, you still have a great chance to push him or her directly into the green area.


